Sunday, April 26, 2009

Prep for first brew day

Date: October 27, 2007

This biggest thing on this day was just getting used to some of the equipment and trying to figure out positions, etc. I didn't want to be totally blind on brew day.
  1. For my water I decided to pick up a 5-gallon water jug and then get it filled at local markets. I don't necessarily think anything is wrong with my tap water, but figured this was a good way to keep it consistent. Not sure when or if I'll get into the pH testing, etc.
  2. Unpacked stater kit, checked contents
  3. Filled up each carboy and marked gallon levels w/ tape
  4. Practiced siphoning
  5. Cleaned/sanitized some equipment from shipping, etc.
  6. Pickup up big plastic tub for cooling the wort
  7. Reviewed instructions and beer ingredients

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