Inspired by a recent issue of Zymurgy, the plan here is to brew an american wheat, split in half and treat each 2.5 gallons with a different fruits in the secondary. Current idea is to treat one half with a mixture of passionfruit and mangos, with the second half getting a mixture of berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries).
Brewed - June 6, 2010
Style - American Wheat
Source - Zymurgy / NHB
June 15, 2010 - Fruit Treatments
- 6.0 lbs. Wheat LME
- 1.0 lbs. Bavarian Wheat DME
- 1.0 lbs. German Munich Malt (partial mash)
- 0.7 lbs. Flaked Wheat (partial mash)
- 0.5 oz. Mt. Hood (60)
- 0.5 oz. Mt. Hood (30)
- 1.0 tsp. Irish Moss (15)
- 0.5 oz. Cascade (10)
- 0.5 oz. Cascade (KO)
- Wyeast #1056 American Ale (2 packs)
OG – 1.056
Primary - 8 days
Secondary - TBD
Bottled - TBD
Attenuation - TBD
- Partial Mash 2 gals @ 150 for 60 mins; sparge 2 quarts 170 water
- 750 ml starter
- used two packs of old 1056 yeast (maybe in my fridge for ~ 11 months?)
- net 2 gallons from sparge
- will split this batch in half and treat each with different fruits
- I was concerned about the yeast and slow start, but this was down to 1.011 at transfer
- Fruit blends added 6/15/10
Starter made in a growler now since I smashed my big beaker
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